It's been a while. I think of many things to write, but I'm never close by the computer to write them, or I don't have the time with the kids, or I'm laying in bed at 3am when the thoughts come to me. But, it's been over two weeks so I should probably write something huh?
Since the Royal Wedding the biggest news has been the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the world's most wanted criminal, who is responsible for the attacks on America on September 11th, 2001. My first thought is "it's about time" and hoping he rotted in hell for all his evil aggressions. I had this thought for several days, but then after watching the news more, learning more, and thinking more I've come to another conclusion, a much deeper one.
You really have to go back hundreds of years to understand. Before America, before England and Ireland, and some of the those other countries, there was the Middle East, regardless of what their countries names were, we knew they were there. We know about them through the Bible. Well eventually the "Western World" came to be and 'western living' began to show up in the Middle East, which they did not like, nor did they welcome.
I just don't understand why we can't just leave people alone? Why can't people live in their own countries and do their own things without everyone else interfering? Why can't we all just get along. If you want us to leave you alone then we'll leave you alone, but return the favor. I understand people sometimes just don't get along, why can't we just agree to disagree. I know we shouldn't allow crimes against humanity, but shouldn't we just let their own people take care of it, let them figure it all out? To some degree it's called the 'circle of life'.
Right now we're at war on terror with the countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Pakistan. Now we're considering Syria and relations with Iran are unstable at best. Pretty soon we're going to make this into a third World War! When is it enough? Do we really need everyone to conform to "our" way? It's horrifying to think of the number of people who died on 9/11 and I don't excuse OBL, he should pay for what he did, what he's done, but there is a deeper meaning beneath it all that, in my opinion, we all refuse to really look at.
I guess I just wonder why it's so hard to just get along and respect the wishes of other civilizations?