Why is it we need to put a title for our blog posting? I spend so much time thinking about the darn title than I do writing the blog. I've been pretty impressed with myself keeping up with this blog. I have created a few blogs in the past, but created them was all I did. I wonder what happens to them? Do they "float" in cyberspace or does someone cancel/delete them if they show no activity for so long? Hmmm, inquiring minds are wondering?
I was talking with a friend (yes I do have friends) about medical related issues and magnesium. Do you ever stop and really think what a wonder the human body is? All these minerals and vitamins our body needs or how taking extra of something can improve your health. I have a herniated disk in my lower back as well as degeneration of my spine. My Chiropractor said it was irreversible but taking fish oil and walking could improve the mushy stuff between the vertebrae. I've been taking the fish oil for a few months and must admit getting out of bed in the morning isn't painful anymore. I have also started a walking routine on our treadmill in the past week and keeping to it. I walked over five miles in the last week and used the treadmill five of the last seven days. Yeah me! I feel so much better doing this.
So, getting back to the vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium. I find it very intriguing how our body produces all this stuff. Now I don't have any desire to study human anatomy or any type of Physiology because that would surely be a failure at my end. I merely find it fascinating how our body works, the complexity of it, it's strengths and it's weaknesses. How do you justify one smoker living until the age of 92 and the other dying at 52, with similar health histories? How is it that some survive cancer for years, but others with the same cancer die at the age of 8?
Well, enough of the mystery. I think we can all just agree that the human body is a miraculous gift given to us by God!