I've been helping my mother out a bit down at her office. She has her own counseling business and is a Licensed Psychologist. So having your own psychologist comes in handy from time to time, but then there are other times when you wish it wasn't so psychological, if you know what I mean, but she's a great therapist and a great mom. Anyway, in all my wonderful misery today, a person walked in wanting to speak to someone about their depression. I sat and listened for a bit to them talking. I found myself lighting up a bit wanting to make them see their life is worth living and that life doesn't always suck!
This person left and planned to return when my mother was available. I began looking at my own life, trying to find the happiness within it, the reason to continue moving forward. I found a few things bringing light into my world, one of which are my children, my family, and my puppies. It's just really hard to find happiness when you feel like nothing goes right in your life and the only place you seem to be moving is down.
So then comes God and the beautiful phrases we hear so frequently: Let Go and Let God, This too shall pass, and my favorite - the Serentity Prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
In looking at serenity prayers however, I came across this one that went further than the one we all know and say to ourselves. Here it is and I hope you enjoyed the words as much as I did!