Nothing new today. Same routine as it has been lately. I would really like to get a job, sooner rather than later preferrably. I'd like to find one where I could really put my education to good use but there are not a whole lot of jobs out there right now where I could do that. I did apply for one last week that I am really hopeful about, but we'll have to see where it leads. I wish I could have taken the job search class a little sooner because that could have made a difference for me in some cases. My resume was very generic and my interviewing skills, to be blunt, sucked! The class gave me some really great pointers from filling out the application, to having a great resume, to interviewing questions. It really was a great class! It was mandatory for unemployment insurance, but I really did find the information beneficial and applicable to my job search. So, for now, I keep looking and hoping something soon will pan out so I can begin working again. I wonder how many more days it will be before I have a job???
Being a "homemaker" isn't always easy though. I wonder how I ever got all this stuff done when I was working. All the cleaning etc., extra "baking" and "cooking", then making sure all the kids get their homework done and to bed on time, it gets overwhelming. It doesn't help either when you yourself feel completely unmotivated to get anything done. Of course the weather brings even more feelings on lowness too. I hate winter. Every year I want to move and every year I'm still here! Only 59/58 days till Spring though.
Let's not forget about the royal wedding either...April 29th, in 99 days. I'm actually looking forward to it. I still remember Princess Diana's and Prince Charles wedding. It's really exciting to see another royal wedding. I will definitely be watching it, with my daughter.
At least tomorrow is Friday and after that I can have two days of sleeping in and not worrying about getting up early to get the kids up and off to school! The school year is half way done too! So many countdowns to keep up with!!!!!