Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here, like four months! I've thought many times about getting on here and writing, but never did. It's nice to see it's still here, not sure how long they stay up with no activity.
Many things have happened in my life since my last entry. I won't share every detail, but it's been a roller coaster ride filled with excitement and sorrow. Out of nowhere I now find myself searching for employment. I've had a few nibbles here and there, but nothing that has panned out yet. So, I keep searching and hoping something will come my way. I went to a job search class yesterday, which was extremely helpful, and I would recommend everyone take a class like this. During the session I realized my current resume needed a complete makeover as it was too boring and too long. So now I find myself "recreating" my resume to be only one-page and much more exciting, more appealing to the employers.
Our holidays were pretty good. I particularly like Thanksgiving because my parents came over and spent several days with us. It was really nice to have them spend that time here with us. I hope we can have them over more often like that...for a couple days. My brother and his wife also came out for dinner on Thursday, so it was really cool to have us all together at the dinner table having Thanksgiving dinner. The kids loved havingall of them here. Christmas was quaint, having my brother-in-law and his wife over for dinner. The kids loved their presents from them, from Santa, and from us. We chatted about the true meaning of Christmas though being about Jesus.
The last couple months I have felt like I've been on somewhat of a spiritual journey, re-evaluating my spirituality, re-discovering it. Our children received a day-by-day guide to reading the Bible to children. Beginning January 1st, well we were a couple days late, but now caught up, I've read the Bible to them. Although it's pretty vague, suited to children, it's a great review for me. I would like to read my Bible as well, but so far have not done that. I find myself being drawn to finding out more about religious history, the life and death of Jesus, and life after death. I've been working more at bringing prayer and God/Jesus/Holy Spirit more into our home than before, so our children know them and how to live by his word.
Winter sure has been showing up lately with blizzards and freezing temps. Makes me look forward to Spring, which is 72 days away! I'm not a winter person. I don't like coats and bundling up to go somewhere. I have made my favorite season to be Fall because summer is too hot, spring is still too wet and sloppy with melting snow, and winter is too cold and too white, plus everything is dead (most plants and trees), or rather hibernating.
Well, enough for now, but before I go: Yeah for Friday!