I think I said a few days ago I would post a picture of the drift in our backyard. Well, here's a picture, actually two of what it looks like.
It was sure nice out today, nearly 34 degrees, enough to do some melting. I took advantage of it briefly by trying to break up the ice on our driveway. I didn't get too much done cause I was really tired and the task, honestly speaking, looked too daunting. Maybe tomorrow.
My husband had surgery on his back this morning. We were up super early to get him to the hospital by 6am. Getting up at 5am when you go to bed around 3am, isn't easy. I've made it through the day so far though. His surgery went well and I really hope this helps him because he's been in so much pain with it, for nearly two months now, poor guy. He's resting now, but he's doing good so far. The Doctor thought he should see almost immediate relief. He's in pain, naturally, from surgery so we'll know more in a couple days definitely. The Doc said the more he can walk and move around the quicker things will heal.
We're both beginning a journey to shed some pounds, which comes at a great time for him with having this surgery because now he'll be more mobile to be more active, after healing of course! I rejoined Sparkpeople.com the other day. I was a member last year, but was inactive for several months, so my membership must have automatically been cancelled as a result of that. It's really a great site for anyone on a weight loss journey. It helps you keep track of your fitness and nutrition, but also provides you with online support, recipe idea's, meal plans, exercise plans and anything and everything else you could possibly think of to help you along in your weight loss. Here's that website again: http://sparkpeople.com/.
Oh, and my youngest lost his first tooth yesterday! The tooth fairy brought him $2.00 this morning. Back in the day I got a quarter! He made his eyes like that because of the flash on the camera... :o). We took several pictures but this is the only one that really showed the space from the tooth that came out.
And here's a recent picture of my husband and I, taken the night we went to the comedy club this past Sunday. He doesn't smile much, so I'm thrilled with this picture. He should smile more because he has a great one!
And this last picture is of our dog Daisy Mae, a Basset Hound. Our daughter propped her up on the couch one day this week and it was so hilarious! I had to take a picture, rather take a few pictures. The second one is with our three children.
So there you go. Till next time!