So school was cancelled yesterday and today because of blowing snow and the bitter cold temperatures outside in the negative twenties and thirties. We ventured out last night to town, but not without an interesting start to the journey. In trying to get out of the driveway we got stuck. So Jason gets out and revs up the snowblower, makes a number of sweeps around the car and driveway, then gives the car a push while I step on the gas. It worked and we got the car out of the driveway. Jason took the snowblower to the part of the driveway where the car got stuck to clear that out. Then it was off to town. One note, we got stuck Monday night too! Thanks to the wonderful policeman for stopping and helping us get unstuck then! We live on the western edge of town so there is quite literally nothing between us and the open country. We have a corn field literally across the street from us to the North and to the West. And since the wind generally comes from one of those two directions, we have a lot, and I mean a lot, of drifting! I'll take a picture tomorrow of our backyard drift, it's already over our eight foot fence! But our driveway gets pretty nasty too, and it doesn't take long at all for it to drift back in once you've cleared it, which completely sucks. Next year, if we remember, we're going to get a fence put up to try and block the wind so it doesn't drift so bad.
We rented several movies recently, since we were kind of stuck indoors, from the redbox video thing. One of the movies was "The Haunting in Connecticut". I'm not a fan of any kind of scary movie at all. I have nightmares and other stuff when I watch them, but I braved up enough to watch this movie. I refused to watch it at night, watching it in mid-afternoon. Great decision. Jason and I watched it, and although creepy and scary, especially since it's based on true events, we both found it to be really good! This kid, Matthew Campbell has cancer and apparently they have a long drive for his treatments, but they find a place to rent so they don't have to drive so far. Anyway, this place was a funeral home many years ago, along with some other things happening there. So the boy more or less gets possessed by this spirit and things start happening in the house, dead bodies appearing suddenly and disappearing just as quick. They find some information and pictures as to the history of the house. So to make a long story short, there were dead bodies in the house, their bodies were removed from the coffins and replaced with sandbags, so the funeral director could do some more things to them. It was the spirits of these dead people that were haunting the family. The boy was haunted by a good spirit who was trying to save the family and find a way for the other evil spirits to pass on. Well they find a way, they burn the house. After all this, Matt Campbell's cancer completely disappeared! The house was rebuilt, restored, and resold with no other encounters reported. It really is an interesting story, so if you can sit through the suspense, I would highly recommend watching it.
We also watched Ghost Writer last night. This was another good movie, although it was kind of long-winded in some parts. Oh, and then we rented The Social Network. This movie was alright too, another interesting movie, again since it's based on true events. I never knew all the legal struggles facebook had in it's beginnings.
Then the most dragging moment of the past few days...I stepped on the scale to see how much I weighed. I won't give the number here, but I was not happy. I have gained more weight. Since the summer of 2009 I have gained 50 pounds and Jason has also put on some pounds too. So the two of us talked and we both want to get serious about losing all this excess weight we have put on. I looked online and found a way to lose one pound a day for a month. It hasn't started off too well, but I was hoping to put that in place for this month, losing 28 pounds in 28 days. I'm not where I want to be for eating, but the past two days I have cut back more and more. I started a food journal, recording everything I put in my mouth, hoping this will help me. The big thing I need to do is start exercising, doing something everyday. Right now I do nothing.
We caught up on our Bible reading today too, reading five days worth. We are quite behind on that, so we'll be playing some catch-up for a little bit. I wanna read that to the kids everyday, but there are days when you just don't get to it. I don't want it to be like that, I want it to be front and center, a priority, because that is exactly what it is!
Today we went into town and I tanned, first time in nearly a month. I need to get in and do that more, but again, when you are not in town that much, it seems more of a hassle than not.
I'm still job hunting and I have been in a rut for a few months. The past few days I feel like I've been catching up on things and coming back to life so to speak. I hope it continues!