Well, here we are, another day in paradise? Or maybe another day in history? Either way it's just another day. It was a pretty good day. Jason and I started off helping out at the Elementary School with the "Oriole Buck Store" from 8:45am-12pm. I was rather impressed with my husband, he doesn't do this type of thing, volunteering, so it was a great experience for me to see him being helpful to others, especially children! He said he even enjoyed it and wouldn't mind doing this again sometime. I may hold him to that! It didn't sound like they had the help in the afternoon like they did in the morning, so I told them I could and help then too. Jason went home because he needed to sleep before he went to work tonight. He didn't get much last night and when you work 6p-6a, sleep tends to be pretty important. The time went so fast working at the store, a very quick day. We were finished around 2:45pm and I had decided I would just stay there and walk home with the boys after school. I went to Aidan's classroom and spent the last few minutes of the day with him and his classmates. It felt great to be a part of their day.
The boys and I walked home after school. It was so pleasant outside with temps in the 60's, absolutely beautiful! We took our time getting home, stopping to break up the snow/ice chunks on the side of the road, coming off from the curb. We all had a blast jumping on them, trying to break it all up. Some didn't work though, too much ice. Then we came across the drain, so we checked out the fast flowing water dumping into it, going through the pipe. Some leaves were covering part of the drain so we tried to remove those to allow the water to flow quicker. It was an enjoyable walk home. Of course when we got home it was all about getting their bikes out and going for a ride. So Alex got Daisy ready to go and the three of them, with the dog, went for a ride around the block. They would much rather spend the time outside today than in. I am really looking forward to things coming back to life and bringing back the vibrant feeling of life.
Talking about Daisy, Alex took her for a walk yesterday too and she got very dirty. So when they pulled into the driveway and into the house I told Alex she was to give her a bath right now. Our precious Daisy had a bath and was all cleaned up. Her coat was so shiny and soft afterwards! But it was hilarious watching her just out of her bath, seeing her tear all around the house, go crazy playing with Alex, settling down only to spurt up again and resume her hyperness. We couldn't stop laughing! She then went to the door signalling she wanted to go outside. I put the that idea to rest. I knew exactly what she wanted to do. She wanted to go out and rub herself in the mud, dirt, and snow. No way was I going to allow that! She adjusted though, snuggled up on her bed and vegged for a while. She wasn't brushed afterwards so she shedded quite a bit more than she usually does.
Alex is spending tonight at a friends house tonight so it'll just be me and the boys tonight. There's no school tomorrow or Friday, it's their Spring Break. I know there won't be much on TV either, so we just may spend some time playing games or reading. We have a lot of catch-up to do in our day-by-day Bible readings. There's always something around the house to do as well, cleaning, laundry, organizing, etc. I'm sure we'll use the time up with no bordem taking us over.
Till next time, take care of yourself!