Last Monday, nearly two weeks ago, I finally did it, I ordered a laptop computer from Dell! Today it arrived! So nice to be sitting on the couch typing this rather than at the desk, plus we can take this anywhere we go to stay up-to-date with family and friends. We can also post pictures right away rather than waiting till we get home to download them. I feel like a little kid with a new toy. So most of today, well not most of it, but a few hours of today, getting to know my new computer and checking it all out. I have not used the webcam yet or checked out skype either. I'll do a little more exploring before I venture into those.
Today has otherwise been a pretty lazy day. Didn't do much. I hope tomorrow is a little more productive. I would really like to get all the weekend work done in one day so I can enjoy the other. The last couple days I took advantage of our warmer temps and broke down the ice and snow left on the driveway. I didn't get it all done but I made some significant progress on it. We're in line for a snow storm next week, not sure how much we'll get, but my goal is to have the driveway cleared before we start the snow again. It's 15 days till Spring, but our temps now say otherwise. It was a bit chilly today, below normal temps. We should be close to the 40's but for the next few days we'll be lucky to make 30, and some days lucky to make 25. I'm so ready for this snow to melt, the grass to turn green, the trees to grow leaves again, and temps climbing up with each week that comes.
But I guess this up and down weather is a good thing when it comes to melting snow. Better to do it in phases rather than all at once. I guess our area in SE SD is fore-casted to have near record flooding this Spring. We'll see how it all unfolds.
Till next time!