The beauty of Tulips

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Past Present Future

About 30 minutes ago I came across a box with some old journals, from nearly 20 years ago!  As I read them I was taken back to that time remembering those events, but some I struggled to remember, names mostly.  But most were good times, like Friday, October 13th, 1995 when Joelle and I went with Stephen and Aisling (our Ireland friends) to the Mall of America and the bars that used to be on the 4th floor.  We had such a blast at the piano bar that whole night!  It was and has remained one of the best nights of my life!!  We danced, bull-shitted, and went to the piano and sang with the players.  It was sooo much fun!!!

Now there were other events too, some were not so happy and fun, but I did find an underlying message still prevalent to my life today and that is being happy!  I know the answer to that question and have known that answer for some time.  Then I looked towards the future and my predicted happiness there.  It's clear what I need to do, I just need to do it and do it now!  I've waited long enough...too long.  It's time I get-r-done!

I'm not sure what the future will hold, but I think my happiness will definitely be a beginning to it!  I know that I have a lot of people who love and support me no matter where my journey leads and above all them, I have the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So let it begin!