The beauty of Tulips

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My days seem to be pretty uneventful with no job. They go like this: wake up to get the kids ready and off to school, go back to bed for a nap, wake up and watch tv for a while, go online to see what jobs are posted, pick up kids from school and be lazy the rest of the night, go to bed and do it all over again the next day. Pretty boring. Of course there is the occasional trip to town every other day, which takes the monotone nature out of the schedule.

Tonight however, when my daughter was on facebook, I read a post from a girl in 6th grade here in Lennox. Her brother was killed in an auto accident on October 29th 2010. That day is a day I will always remember, forever. This year in particular though marked Rachels 40th birthday. Even though she's been gone for 21 years this year, I still take time for her on her birthday. Around 4pm that day, well, let's back up. The day before was the day I left my job, or rather my job left me, so Friday I wasn't working and decided I could go help out with a Halloween party at school for Aidan's classroom. I went to help and as school came to an end in that classroom a teacher popped her head in the room. It was Mrs. Bainbridge. Right around 3:10pm. I took the kids home and around 4pm we took a quick trip. Our route took us right by and through a horrifying accident. When I saw the vehicle my heart stopped and I couldn't breath. I really felt like there was a terrible result of this accident. I was right. Tanner Bainbridge, only 15 years old, died as a result of this accident, on Rachels would-be 40th birthday.

What a day. I think about them quite often, praying for them, for their healing. Tanner's sister, as with all of them, are having a really difficult time with it all, and really, who wouldn't? Like many things, even my experience with losing Rachel, you wish you could "redo" or "undo" events in your life, or "pretend" they never happened. Unfortunately that isn't the case. Things do happen, difficult things and happy things. They are all a part of God's master plan. All we can do is sit back and let them unfold.

So I wrote his sister a message in an email letting her know my brief story and to hold onto to her faith in God. Time will heal, but we will never forget!

We will all see each other again!